Tuesday, 7 April 2015

BILL ADONGO:The one who established the Moral Geneal Education and Moral General Governor to fill unemployment space and to employ all ever; since the curse is not employ nonformer on one salarey-let say Ghc1000.00 every month.

The world ever had one equation in all achievement of limitation standard to Wikipedia-encyclopedia and Britannica-encyclopedia and is this equation ax+by+cz+…..=c  of William R. Hamilton, etc. in suspect. These types of people don’t exist is to recreate the one mathematician ax+by+cz+…..; neglecting all existing. I the young Bill Adongo create one equation ax+by+cz+…..  unique solution  of best accuracy above the limitation of simultaneous development ever existed. I says it again is one equation ever solve in history above the simultaneous system when comparing difficulties. The text is to substitute x  if as unique infinite solution in simultaneous  equation a1x +a1y=c  and b1x+b2y=c  after solving and sees it correspondences accuracy.  And I am accurate ever of bringing this text, being the first ever to solve one equation in unique solutions.  The simultaneous system of two variable must be two equation, and three variable must be three system equation, and so on was their limitation. I have the same standard of William R. Hamilton of his creating complex numbers from the one mathematician, but if am above that, I am the one outside and inside Hamilton of  all sciences. Don’t say how do we tackle the technology of electricity and others and I will not say is ax1+ bx2+ cx5= c of one equation solutions must. Who can create ax+by+cz+…..=c outside all achievement of it ever existed.  is it why these types of people don’t exit at current? And don’t exist as nothing to others.  Superior never steals victory”. This is more than third saying of me. I the highest athletic runs which all runs inclusive is Longest Distance Runing and the must go back to the same mathematician ax+by+cz+…..=c  to run with me. You can start all energy which is hundred meter in long distance running. I am full runner from Central Point Law to Moral General Government.

We honour God for what He conceals from us and we honour Bill Adongo for searching out the hidden and its practical applications in man’s life.A Pure Mathematician is someone who committed himself wholly for uncovering what is otherwise unknown in mathematics. History has it that, Prof. Francis Allotey, is the only Pure Mathematician in Ghana. History has it that, Allotey could not search out the hidden things in mathematics(or uncovered what was otherwise unknown in mathematics). History has it that, Allotey mystify the unknown by saying, “parallel lines meet at infinity".
Image result for bill adongoImage result for bill adongoImage result for bill adongoMy Photo 
History has it that, is rather Bill Adongo who is the only Pure mathematician in Ghana. History has it that, the impossibility that we could not determine the central point of line in a plane due to its infinite nature, was uncovered by Adongo. History has it that, we could not predict the infinite solution of a line in a plane without assuming values for x and y coordinates, was also uncovered by Adongo. History has it that, Adongo propounded the Central Point Law(or Point values Interval Law). History has it that, there are many mathematicians, but only one pure mathematician in Ghana.

Acceptable fact doesn’t require many words. He doesn’t fight for the highest IQ, but the errors that submit to his diary must genuinely defend. Many centuries from now, a question was asked: who can solve the two pairs of the equation ax+by=c without quantitative assumption? And no one ever think it possible. Dr. Edward Prempeh and Many professors; a specialty in Functional Analysis could not disprove him solving the question above, but another question: “you have not exhausted all the infinite solution of the equation ax+by=c that is impossible, if you don’t assume any values for one pair. Within two days he propounded Adongo’s Point Values Interval Theorem as a continue method of this greatest challenge that exhausted all the infinite pairs( or solutions).

If they still doubt of his highest IQ, he had one time disturbed many brilliant students with the equation a(x0x1x2x3x4x…….xi-1)+b(x1x2x3x4x5………….xi) = c; and it had sent to many teachers and all disagreed that it is unsolvable. Just two days after his challenged, Many solutions of this Multi-combinational equation was produced in it infinite and fixed solutions, but refused to exhaust all variables. He challenged the entire world again, just to apply his open secret to finish solving all fixed variables of the equation above, and up to now; no one is able. If the agree that, is what the great Bill Adongo always finished solving is what the world can steal years back; then no problem.

Nothing of him doesn’t require peculiar thinking, neglecting the condition he explains his New Grammatical Tenses(http://congratbill.blogspot.com ); if you may ask to choose a condition for explaining
his examples, one must appreciate him.


Language combination is one original trait which is practical measurement in Africa  and I am Welcome as a language synonyms of  Frafra and we are all welcome to Africa. Genealogy's Character and Intelligent  Law also states that if the where one welcome to a structure or house then the must be changed in total forms.
          Image result for bill adongo Irish Iberian    Image result for bill adongoAnglo-TeutonicImage result for bill adongoNegro


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